Seems like an impossible problem.  But if you read news accounts from 200 years 
ago, horrible negative campaigning and actual fist fights were normal in 
political races.  

I vote no whackadoodles.  

From: Jason McKemie 
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 5:32 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political

Unfortunately most of the people identifying as libertarians these days (at 
least the high profile ones) are whackadoodle republicans.

On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 6:21 PM Sean Heskett <> wrote:

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Lauren Bobert is a libertarian, she is FAR 
from it.  What I meant was when the options are:

  Moderate democrat 
  Whackadoodle republican (Bobert)

  My 1st choice would be libertarian, 
  2nd choice would be moderate democrat (they do exist)
  3rd choice is NOT the whackadoodle

  In CO 35-40% of voters are republican, 35-40% democrat and 20-30% independent

  If I don’t vote for the democrat and vote for the libertarian there’s enough 
republicans that my vote becomes a “throwaway” vote and i instead inadvertently 
help the whackadoodle get elected.  Which is the WORST possible outcome. 

  Ranked choice voting would solve this but that’s a discussion and a can of 
worms for another thread/day lol.  


  On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 4:47 PM Jason McKemie 
<> wrote:

    Yeah, the nutjobs ruined that designation. I used to partially identify as 
libertarian, I don't do that anymore.

    On Thursday, May 19, 2022, Sean Heskett <> wrote:

      Here in ColoRADo voting libertarian ends up getting people like Lauren 
Bobert elected lol :-/

      On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 9:15 AM Josh Luthman 
<> wrote:

        It's not a throwaway vote!!!!  You have to vote libertarian if you want 
a libertarian!

        On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 11:06 AM Sean Heskett <> wrote:

          <Say in the voice of Mr. Mackey from South Park> 

          Mmmkay everyone, all you “woke” people are tried and cranky, y’all 
need to go back to bed and get some rest.


          (For the record I’m registered independent , socially liberal, 
fiscally conservative, I would vote libertarian if it wasn’t a throwaway vote)

          On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 8:53 AM Chuck McCown via AF <> 

            Well, maybe their thin skin needs some toughening up.  Everyone 
could use some more grit.

            In my experience, those that feel compelled to “call out” people 
never affect positive change.  And frequently they harm themselves in the 
trying.  Becoming toxic themselves to those they are trying to 
shame/expose/coerce/educate/put down.  

            What good does it do to tell some red necked construction worker 
that he is being racist?  I just avoid those with views I abhor.  And I try to 
teach by example.  But I never call anyone out.  At work, if they are my 
employee, I address the concern in private.  If they don’t change I fire them.  

            Social justice warriors are idiots in my opinion.  They invent a 
noble cause with which to enshroud themselves while acting out in socially 
impolitic ways, a good reason, in their mind,  to be an anarchist.  Look at 
antifa and proud boys.  

            Exact same people, doing the exact same things, for the exact same 
reasons.  The ONLY difference is some contrived battle line they are trying to 

            From: Cameron Crum 
            Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 7:42 AM
            To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
            Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political

            You stirred the liberal hornets nest now, Chuck. 

            On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:51 AM <> wrote:

              Weirdly opposite here.  My brothers are vocally alt-right.  All 
ex-military, all purport to be Christian.  One is dead from substance abuse and 
suffered a variety of mental health issues.  The surviving two are always 
broke, angry, and unhappy.  I feel like I have to tiptoe around them so they 
don’t fly off the handle about anything.

              …..and I’m not at all “woke”.  I just know it’s not for me to 
pass judgement.

              On the other hand, this is NY.  Maybe they feel like they’re the 
rebels fighting the evil liberal death star.  Maybe your kids in Utah feel like 
they’re the rebels fighting the evil Republican death star.

              From: AF <> On Behalf Of Chuck McCown via 
              Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:11 PM
              Cc: Chuck McCown <>
              Subject: [AFMUG] OT mildly political

              Woke, broke, in therapy and crazy unhappy.  

              That is how I would describe some of my kids.

              The alt right unwoke ones seem to have money and happiness.  

              Never expected I would not be able to speak my mind at family 
dinners just to be able to still see some of my kids.  

              Feel like I was convicted in absentia, thrown in the hole for a 
lifetime sentence, but taken out of solitary confinement now and then at their 
whims just so they could claim to have compassion on me for a half hour walk in 
the woods.  Maybe longer if I pay for dinner.  

              Odd times....

              I loved my parents and grandparents.  

              Never felt they had to earn it.  

              Never would have thought of condemning them for the things they 

              Funny, I have a sister that lives 1000 miles from me.  Our 
families were separate all while the kids were growing.

              But some of hers have done the same things to her.  Using the 
exact same vernacular. 

              Must have something to do with energy drinks I think. 

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          Sean Heskett

          Internet • WiFi • Phone • TV
          970-871-8500 x100 - Office

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      Internet • WiFi • Phone • TV
      970-871-8500 x100 - Office

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  Internet • WiFi • Phone • TV
  970-871-8500 x100 - Office

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