I’m pretty sure we tried to order everything we thought we’d need for the
whole year upfront so we weren’t waiting for anything once summer build
season hit.

Any residual orders would be stuff we forgot or new plans that popped up
last minute.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 12:11 PM Forrest Christian (List Account) <
li...@packetflux.com> wrote:

> So the sales at packetflux have been very much more volatile this year.
> Like we'll go fairly long stretches with few sales, then a blast of orders
> will come through.   On average we're doing pretty much as expected but on
> the short term it swings from "how are we ever going to make all of this
> stuff" to "I hope the orders pick back up since we don't have any more room
> to store stock".   Like I said, we're doing fine on average, it's just that
> I'm curious what is driving this odd ordering pattern
> I have talked to a couple of customers and it seems like this might be a
> side effect of the way WISPs order stuff nowadays, and also shortages from
> other (radio) vendors.   For instance, I would expect that if a WISP can't
> get radios for their towers they also aren't going to be ordering PoE
> injectors for the nonexistent radios.   I also know that a lot of people
> have moved to "order several months at once" instead of "order as you go".
> So I'm curious what everyone is seeing or doing from the WISP viewpoint.
> --
> - Forrest
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Sean Heskett

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