I rarely have issues with the Windstream circuit, but it is totally dealing with a Telco. Front line can only open the ticket, and go through the whole list of questions that have been in place since troubleshooting a T1 Line, or before. I always like 'Are we authorized to do intrusive testing'

This is only the 2nd time this has happened. Last time was 4 or 5 years ago, just a week or 2 after we turned up the circuit, so I wrote that off to a turnup config they messed up somewhere.

On 11/15/2022 2:16 PM, Larry Smith wrote:
In the past when we had similar problems with Windstream I found
that often (about 75 percent of the time) I could hard reset the BGP
session locally and Windstream would pickup after the reset and
route correctly.  The other 25 percent, like you, I just had to down
the BGP session with them entirely and wait for the routes to clear.
A few of those times I even called our 24/hr support number to ask
if they could clear or reset the session from their side and was
inevitably told "we will look into it" (not)...

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