I listed a job about a year ago with multiple pay rates depending on

The lowest tier was at $15 an hour if you have zero experience and a
willingness to learn.   It was also very clear in the description that this
was a training wage and would only last around 6 months or less provided
the applicant was able to learn the skill set needed.

The job description also was very clear that we provide full health care
for all employees,  5% matching 401k after 6 months,  and a few other

I got a few responses in the same category that Chuck did.  My favorite was
someone that I had reached out to because his resume looked good enough
that I figured they would be a $25/hr person since they had various
technology skills which I could use around here.   His response to me
asking him if he'd like to come in for an interview was "not for $15/hr".
 That was the entirety of the message.

I replied with something like "Thank you for letting me know,  based on
your response I don't think you'd be a good fit for your organization.
FYI, based on your resume I was thinking closer to $25/hr, but at this
point we're no longer interested."

I got a slightly longer response back (like 5 words instead of 3) stating
how he might be interested but at that point I wasn't.  I figure that
someone who isn't going to take the time to consider a job opportunity
beyond the first number they see isn't worth it to me.

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 9:18 PM Chuck Macenski <ch...@macenski.com> wrote:

> One way to say it: "The youth of today cannot live on $15 an hour so a lot
> of candidates will not even walk through the door because other places even
> in the field of welding pay higher to start."
> Another way to say it: "The youth of today will not invest in themselves."
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 9:48 PM Ryan Ray <ryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A lot of what is happening now can be attributed to housing imho.
>> A house is your domain. The place you get things done. Your mind expands,
>> you have more space to enjoy hobbies or learn something new. Personally, I
>> don’t get that from an apartment when I have to worry about my neighbours
>> and volume levels and having no space to do anything.
>> I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with making your own sandwich, or
>> living at your appropriate means, but I don’t consider living with
>> roommates living. It’s a stepping stone to the American dream (owning a
>> house).
>> My parents have told me about their times growing up, living in the
>> single wide. The pipes would freeze every winter and my dad would be down
>> there with the hair dryer in the 70’s to unthaw. That’s all fine and dandy.
>> When they had me in 88, they bought a house, probably 1700sqft, it was
>> nice. I wouldn’t have had the childhood I had by being in a trailer.
>> I don’t really believe in religion of any kind, they all have valuable
>> teachings (and not so valuable) but I think it’s just how you think about
>> the world at large. Things are always changing, and I don’t think it’s a
>> bad mantra to think that the new generation should have it better than
>> generations past. Doesn’t mean you have to stop learning, or applying
>> yourself. In Canada specifically our housing is so out of control that even
>> a new family with one kid still has to rent and/or be in a small apartment
>> unless they wait until they’re 40 and have had decent paying jobs (70k) a
>> year for a while.
>> Or live in the boonies and kill your own food, gather your own wood, and
>> there’s nothing wrong with that either.
>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 5:25 PM Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com> wrote:
>>> Exactly what problems are young people facing?  Almost every single one
>>> that wants to can enlist in the military.  That will feed them and teach
>>> them a skill (and some manners, and how to work) and they will come out
>>> with the VA and GI Bill.  Pell grants, student loans.
>>> If someone wants to better themselves, they can.  Kids today have it far
>>> easier than ever before.  Work from home, online classes that are free,
>>> hell you can learn highly specialized technical stuff on Youtube.
>>> What is wrong with making yourself a sandwich?  If you are broke, don’t
>>> f**king spend.  You are making my point for me.
>>> Oh, the horrors of having to cook your own food, walking to work and
>>> living in a single wide.  Those are human rights abuses man!  (said all the
>>> snowflakes and they melted and went down the storm sewer)
>>> Where on the stone tablets that Moses brought down from the mountain
>>> does it say: “Young people should have it easier than you had it”?
>>> You eat what you kill.
>>> https://historyhustle.com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/
>>> *From:* Ryan Ray
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2023 5:55 PM
>>> *To:* Chuck McCown
>>> *Cc:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange
>>> Not defeatist or jealousy or envy.
>>> I’m 34, I bought a 2500sqft house on a green belt in 2013 (25 Years
>>> old). Sold my company, and I live an extremely comfortable life for someone
>>> my age. No mortgage, a couple nice cars. I worked very hard, lots of long
>>> nights, lots of learning to get to where I’m at, and did it all without
>>> having any generational wealth to start with. To phrase it for you old
>>> folks, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps.
>>> However, your attitude is what makes me call you a boomer. You seem to
>>> have no empathy and are not willing to discuss the current problems facing
>>> young people today. You keep referencing back to how you did it, and just a
>>> few bucks in the 80's or the 70's or whatever. I could see it in your post.
>>> Saying things like "Make a sandwich at home, ride the bus, live in a
>>> trailer"
>>> Don't get me wrong Chuck, you're a smart guy. I've learned a lot from
>>> you over the years both in person and through this list. I take that as one
>>> of my core values is to listen to people, even when I think they're
>>> stupidly wrong, and make sure I never close myself off to any viewpoint and
>>> that makes me better in everything I do.
>>> I just think you're hand waving away a lot of current economic issues
>>> plaguing the world. Young people should have it easier than you had it,
>>> just like you had it easier than someone born in the 20's. Or should we
>>> just keep letting trillion dollar corps run the world and you got yours, so
>>> the young kids can go pound sand because their $18/hr job should suffice.
>>> (BTW my first "real" job back in 2008 was 35k a year) I was 19. No
>>> schooling, and that would be your $18/hr now.
>>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 3:20 PM Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com> wrote:
>>>> Defeatist attitude.
>>>> Or just jealous?  Envy?
>>>> In 1990 I was so broke I was sitting on the side of the highway with my
>>>> 4 kids (at the time) selling everything I had to get a bus ticket to get
>>>> out of town to get to a job to make a few bucks to move the family.
>>>> Fast forward 10 short years and I had enough to retire.
>>>> Just hard work.  At 40 no less, not 50.
>>>> And now 33 years later my house is 5 X larger than that.
>>>> Hell, my garage is bigger than that.
>>>> And my only roommates have been my kids.
>>>> But there was some sleeping in dirt and enjoying it at certain
>>>> periods.
>>>> Doncha only wish you could be like a boomer...
>>>> *From:* Ryan Ray
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2023 3:48 PM
>>>> *To:* Chuck McCown
>>>> *Cc:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange
>>>> lol. These boomers I swear. Live in your 5 roommate 2000sqft box until
>>>> 50, retire at 87. Bcck in my day I slept in a dirt pile and we enjoyed it.
>>>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 2:41 PM Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com> wrote:
>>>>> Fantasy land
>>>>> *From:* Ryan Ray
>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:54 PM
>>>>> *To:* Chuck McCown
>>>>> *Cc:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange
>>>>> I think ages make a huge difference in a lot of this. If you're
>>>>> talking about a 17 year old, you're still living at home, saving all your
>>>>> money, trying to get out. Sure, $17 an hour would be amazing.
>>>>> If you're 22, you should be able to afford a 1br apartment on your
>>>>> own, you shouldn't need roommates, you should expect that you can save 1k 
>>>>> a
>>>>> month for the future, maybe purchase a home by 28? You're going to need to
>>>>> make more than $17 an hour.
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 1:10 PM Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Not sure I am getting your point.  Young people frequently struggle
>>>>>> when starting out.  The struggle is valuable.  You get ahead by getting
>>>>>> educated, getting trained, learning skills people will pay you for.  You 
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> not deserve anything but free air to breath and perhaps water if you live
>>>>>> in an area where it rains.  You eat what you kill.
>>>>>> In your example below you are not taking into account, those with
>>>>>> half a brain will have roomates with which to split all the rent and
>>>>>> utilities.  That one move makes it go to having plenty of spending money.
>>>>>> So what is it you want me to learn here?  In 1979 milk was
>>>>>> $1/gallon.  It is now $4.33.  Same price adjusted for inflation ...
>>>>>> I do not buy that the kids now-a-days have it any worse than I did.
>>>>>> Cost of a big mac in 1979 was 95 cents.  Today, $4.50, same price
>>>>>> adjusted for inflation...
>>>>>> What do I need to learn here???
>>>>>> *From:* Ryan Ray
>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2023 1:58 PM
>>>>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>>>>> *Cc:* Chuck McCown
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange
>>>>>> Chuck,
>>>>>> I'm going to assume you're not trying to cherry pick statistics and
>>>>>> want to learn and listen.
>>>>>> Housing is only one part of the equation. Food, services, fuel, goods
>>>>>> are at all time highs. Rental markets are becoming unfeasible unless 
>>>>>> living
>>>>>> with roommates. I'm not sure where or how this mobile home fits in with 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> work in your area. Is there work in the area for your daughter to earn 
>>>>>> $18
>>>>>> an hour?
>>>>>> Talent.com says that at $18 an hour, working for 40 hours a week,
>>>>>> gets you $2500 monthly net.
>>>>>> Going off these assumptions Cost of Living in Utah (2023) | SoFi
>>>>>> <https://www.sofi.com/cost-living-utah/>
>>>>>> Rent: $1100
>>>>>> Food (No Restaurants): $253
>>>>>> Utilities: $300
>>>>>> Gas?: $400
>>>>>> I think you yanks have things like health insurance. $100/mo?
>>>>>> I haven't thought of everything, but you're already up to $2200/mo.
>>>>>> You don't get ahead because you're behind before you even start.
>>>>>> Now take into account that the average home price in Utah is $500k
>>>>>> and you cherry picked some bottom of the barrel trailer. I can't tell if
>>>>>> you're being serious or not.
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 11:55 AM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> One of my millennial daughters, grown, married, trying to adult,
>>>>>>> lives with her brother and his wife told me that I just don’t understand
>>>>>>> how hard it is today compared to when I was younger.  So I did a little
>>>>>>> comparison for her:
>>>>>>> My first paid job in 1976 was $2/hour.  That would be about
>>>>>>> $10.70/hour today.
>>>>>>> (I was an unpaid apprentice to a machinist in 1974, and slave labor
>>>>>>> on the farm from 1960 until I escaped).
>>>>>>> My first skilled, formally trained, semi professional, utility
>>>>>>> lineman job in 1979 paid $4.50/hour.
>>>>>>> That would be about $18 today.
>>>>>>> My first home, single wide 10 x 50 mobile home cost $12,000 in
>>>>>>> 1982.  Or about $36K today.
>>>>>>> https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/744-S-1750-W-Vernal-UT-84078/2070550612_zpid/
>>>>>>> So how is it people have it so much worse today?
>>>>>>> *From:* Jeff Broadwick - Lists
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:39 AM
>>>>>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange
>>>>>>> Too many parents want to be friends with their kids and not actually
>>>>>>> parent.  Good news is, if you do a good job of parenting, you’ll likely
>>>>>>> have the opportunity out to become friends with your kids after they 
>>>>>>> move
>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>> Jeff Broadwick
>>>>>>> CTIconnect
>>>>>>> 312-205-2519 Office
>>>>>>> 574-220-7826 Cell
>>>>>>> jbroadw...@cticonnect.com
>>>>>>> On Feb 14, 2023, at 1:25 PM, Sterling Jacobson <sterl...@avative.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeah, that’s a problem for sure.
>>>>>>> All the youth (and some adults) see online is prosperity and wealth
>>>>>>> and entitlement.
>>>>>>> Your definition of existing just doesn’t even come to their minds.
>>>>>>> To use a phrase, they literally don’t comprehend it.
>>>>>>> I was living happily in a one room apartment for $400 a month and
>>>>>>> eating the same PB&J and soup for lunch/dinner on almost no monthly 
>>>>>>> spend.
>>>>>>> I had an old futon bed that I had purchased in college as furniture.
>>>>>>> My monthly output was focused on paying rent and a bit for food and my 
>>>>>>> car.
>>>>>>> I was hungry for more, made my way by learning, taking what I could
>>>>>>> find and working my way up.
>>>>>>> And during none of that did I think to myself, “This is shit, I am
>>>>>>> entitled to more because I exist.” Lol
>>>>>>> My grown kids ask for very little and even then get told no all the
>>>>>>> time, or have conditions.
>>>>>>> I worry about my younger kids that have spent a lot more time
>>>>>>> online. They still know they get nothing as a default, but they are more
>>>>>>> entitled in language and practice than my older kids.
>>>>>>> Society online in general isn’t doing anyone any favors.
>>>>>>> I mean some of the youtube crap they watch is just inane, and some
>>>>>>> of these people just throw around money like it magically appeared to 
>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>> out of thin air without a care.
>>>>>>> There is no accountability or explanation.
>>>>>>> *From:* AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of *Chuck McCown
>>>>>>> via AF
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 14, 2023 10:37 AM
>>>>>>> *To:* af@af.afmug.com
>>>>>>> *Cc:* Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com>
>>>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] FB Exchange
>>>>>>> I advertised for hiring yesterday, a no experience necessary, get
>>>>>>> paid to learn MIG mild steel welding.   PT/FT flexible hours.  We hire 
>>>>>>> 17
>>>>>>> year olds.  I immediately got crap from this guy saying that the “young
>>>>>>> people of today” cannot exist on less than $18/hour which is what he 
>>>>>>> gets
>>>>>>> and he works from home.
>>>>>>> Lots of people defended my $15/entry level, get paid to learn
>>>>>>> welding position.
>>>>>>> He deleted his post then sent me this:
>>>>>>> Hello there,
>>>>>>> Our of respect for you because it wasn't my intent to cause tension,
>>>>>>> I've deleted my comment on your posting. My only point was to emphasize
>>>>>>> that the going rate for a lot of entry level jobs is much higher than 
>>>>>>> $15
>>>>>>> an hour. Welding is a great skill and can open up great avenues in the
>>>>>>> future.
>>>>>>> However, The youth of today cannot live on $15 an hour so a lot of
>>>>>>> candidates will not even walk through the door because other places 
>>>>>>> even in
>>>>>>> the field of welding pay higher to start.
>>>>>>> What I emphasized at my company starting at $18 is just one example.
>>>>>>> We have people here that make well over $50 an hour because we operate 
>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>> commission structure. But that $18 base is livable when a one bedroom is
>>>>>>> $1000+ in tooele a month and depending on where you live it's as low as
>>>>>>> $1600+
>>>>>>> Again, never meant to offend so I am sorry for causing you any
>>>>>>> trouble.
>>>>>>> I replied:
>>>>>>> So you expect someone to walk from High School directly into a job
>>>>>>> where they can have a nice home, car and things?  Wow, without learning 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> trade, profession or other skill?   Our $15/hour people take home
>>>>>>> $2000/month.  Pretty sure someone can exist on that and the smart ones 
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> have roommates or live with their parents.  And the smarter ones will
>>>>>>> quickly be making more than $18/hour.  We have exactly zero problems
>>>>>>> finding as many workers as we need.  So your opinion that "youth of 
>>>>>>> today"
>>>>>>> cannot exist on $15/hour is just that, unfounded opinion.  I guess your
>>>>>>> definition of "exist" is different than mine.  You can exist by walking,
>>>>>>> riding a bicycle or taking a bus to work.  You can exist by eating home
>>>>>>> cooked meals and making a home made sandwich for your lunch.  You can 
>>>>>>> exist
>>>>>>> by wearing clothes from a thrift store.  You don't need the latest 
>>>>>>> iPhone
>>>>>>> and Netflix to exist.  Read a book.  The struggle IS the journey and is
>>>>>>> what creates grit and strong character.
>>>>>>> He replied and blocked me:
>>>>>>> Yeah Okay Boomer. I was reaching out to be nice but you clearly have
>>>>>>> no idea what life is like for us today. I just bought my first house at 
>>>>>>> 31
>>>>>>> because of how shit things are right now compared to when you were 
>>>>>>> younger.
>>>>>>> But thanks for proving my point by being an asshole about "my 
>>>>>>> definition of
>>>>>>> exist"
>>>>>>> --
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