Any slot, like a dollar bill would cause, can act as the element of an antenna. 
 Horizontal slots will admit vertically polarized signals.  

From: Adam Moffett 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:47 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] RF Cage for WIFI

A microwave probably fits through the seam in your lead lined case.  A was 
talking once with an IBM guy who worked in some kind of RF shielded room.  He 
said if he wanted his cell phone to work inside the room he just had to put a 
dollar bill in the door. 

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From: AF <> on behalf of Nate Burke <>
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 8:08:55 PM
To: Animal Farm <>
Subject: [AFMUG] RF Cage for WIFI 

I've got a Comcast residential Modem that I can't get the RF turned off 
in.  I haven't been able to find the right phrase at support to get them 
to do it.  So far All that's happened is they've removed the SSID's, but 
the RF is still broadcasting.  There are some 'RF cages' on Amazon to 
'limit your exposure to WIFI'  But they're marketed as making your house 
'healthier'  and reviews say they just slightly weaken the signal.

Is there a way to properly ground out a cage around the modem to block 
all the WIFI?  Many moons ago, back in the days of 802.11b, I put an AP 
into a lead lined pelican case, and was still able to connect to the 
WIFI from outside of it.  I'm guessing I didn't do something right back 

FWIW though, I am getting 2.4gb/s x 230mb/s through the coax 
connection.  There's only a 2.5G interface on the modem.

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