On 6/12/23 15:16, Chuck McCown via AF wrote:
Got gigged by the fire department today on a couple items.
1)    Hand coil of wire up in the ceiling over a spot where a machine used to be.  Not gonna cut it off as some other machine may go there. It is coiled and cut dead and capped in the breaker panel. They are quoting a junction box without a cover and saying I guess I have to mount a big assed box up there to enclose this dead wire?  Opinions.

The usual way would be leave it connected in the breaker panel, switch the breaker off, and put a handy box on the former machine end with wire caps on the conductors.

Disconnected in a panel is not visible (must be assumed to still be connected to a breaker) and gets called out as unsafe. Likewise for bare wire ends: no way to assume it's safe.

2)    Nothing flammable on our pallet racking.  Every warehouse I have ever been has pallet racking full of things in corrugated boxes.  Having a hard time buying this.  So we can only store steel and rocks up there.  They do say we can put our non flammable items on a pallet.... Anyone ever run across this before?

Depends on the fire sprinkler spacing and design flow rate, and if they're quick response heads or not. Hazard type can also require heads in the racking.

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