It's a dance that's been danced 1000 times before over the years. I
highly doubt losing even their full TV lineup would put Charter out of
business. There is very little margin in TV even for the big guys.
Programming costs are completely insane and the networks want to
believe they can demand whatever increases they want. As a small CATV
operator any pushback by a large carrier helps the general landscape
although doesn't help us directly. As it stands, Disney/ESPN lineup
was never part of our TV service because costs were insane even a few
years back. We do miss a few customers because of that but most people
don't mind... that says a lot about how valuable those channels really
are vs what the network thinks they are worth.

On Wed, Sep 6, 2023 at 10:50 PM CBB - Jay Fuller
<> wrote:
> Talking heads are making it out to be a big deal.  They'll both lose a lot of 
> money.  Charter may not survive....
> pay tv may not survive....
> my take?  per 1,000 facebook posts here last Saturday as SEC football kicked 
> off, they're all dropping whatever
> charter they had left and going to youtube tv.  meaning it's all being dumped 
> on our networks (ok, no worries).
> disney isn't going to lose that revenue, now it's just coming in from a 
> different pay-tv provider.
> so i see charter being the big loser.  Those SEC football fans are going to 
> find a way to get the feed.
> Seems youtube tv is now getting their money - - - if they weren't before.
> --
> AF mailing list

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