On the Yahoo Finance chart, go to the Events drop-down menu, and put a 
checkmark next to Splits.  Hover over the split marker to get the details.

From: CBB - Jay Fuller via Af 
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 4:24 PM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

Keep in mind apple has actually split....it was trading what, $400+ a few 
months ago?
I wish charts had some way of showing that but based on what i've been able to 
see, they never do.
All the sources of information (tv, media, charts) just go like it never 

You can google split information.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken Hohhof via Af 
  To: af@afmug.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 3:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

  Well, Travis says get in and out in a day.  You say 20-50 years.  That pretty 
much covers any strategy you want to pick.  And some people are putting all 
their money in Bitcoin.

  From: Bruce Robertson via Af 
  Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 3:17 PM
  To: af@afmug.com 
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

  I would call two years very short term because my investing horizon is 20+ 
years.   And I'm already (mostly) retired.  (Consulting gigs keep cropping 
up...)  If I were still in my 20s, my horizon would be 50 years.

  On 9/20/2014 1:03 PM, Ken Hohhof via Af wrote:

    Take a look at this:

    and now imagine you are the advisor who put me (and no doubt other clients) 
into AAPL in September 2012.  You can either call up those clients and say good 
news, after 2 years of staring at a loss, you can finally take a nice profit 
and invest in something else.  Or you can say buy another ticket and take 
another roller coaster ride.

    Besides, after years of almost getting negative interest on fixed income 
(in Europe they actually pay banks to park money), there are finally some 
options in stocks that pay dividends and even bond funds that are worthwhile 
putting 25 or 30% of your money in, making sure they are short maturity because 
their value will go down once the Fed starts raising interest rates.

    But as far as ignoring short term stock market swings, I’m not sure I’d 
call 2 years short term.  And if you look at the chart, AAPL looks exactly like 
it did 2 years ago.  Sure, it could go up.  But let’s face it, what did they 
announce.  A couple phablets which are really just catching up to competition, 
and a smartwatch for next year.  Samsung is already mocking the iPhone 6+ in 
their Galaxy Note 4 ads, and how sure are you that a $349 smartwatch will be 
the next must-have gadget?  And iPad sales have slowed because once people have 
one, they don’t trade up to the next version like they do phones, and a lot of 
them are WiFi only and not tied to a carrier 2 year cycle.

    From: Bruce Robertson via Af 
    Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 2:46 PM
    To: af@afmug.com 
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

    I only agree with your investment advisor if you're within 2-5 years of 
retirement and you will be relying on those assets to live on.  Otherwise, 
he/she is steering you wrong.  IMO, of course.  Your example of AAPL 
illustrates exactly why.  You need to totally ignore short term stock market 
swings, and keep some cash on hand for buying when plunges like 2008 happen.  
BTW this takes nerves of steel.

    On 09/20/2014 12:24 PM, Ken Hohhof via Af wrote:

      FWIW, my investment advisor got me out of AAPL, and advises decreasing 
stocks at this point especially those that don’t pay dividends and moving a 
higher percentage into bonds.  Of course risk tolerance varies with age (how 
many years you have left to recover from a big loss).  But he evidently feels 
stocks have run up to the point where they are getting risky.

      Regarding AAPL, I had quite a paper loss at one time, finally recovered 
and made a nice profit, but it looked pretty grim for awhile.  The myth was it 
would only go one way - up.  Problem with Apple is they always have to hit it 
out of the park, merely having a good quarter is a disappointment.  It must be 
like being a magician, but if you pulled a rabbit out of your hat last night, 
tonight you need to pull a lion out of the hat, and tomorrow a rhinoceros.  
Wait, I’m thinking of Rocky and Bullwinkle.
      I could swear there was one where he pulled Rocky out of the hat.

      From: Mike Hammett via Af 
      Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 2:03 PM
      To: af@afmug.com 
      Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

      NetFlix and FaceBook haven't even existed "long term".

      Mike Hammett
      Intelligent Computing Solutions


      From: "CBB - Jay Fuller via Af" mailto:af@afmug.com
      To: af@afmug.com
      Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 2:13:08 PM
      Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

      --- [ "CBB - Jay Fuller" mailto:par...@cyberbroadband.net wrote ]:

      Long term the stocks I'm interested in right now are Apple, Netflix, and 
Facebook.  They all have performed well long term.
      I do not currently have any Netflix but it's also had a bit of a rocky 
road.  Look at its one year chart.

        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Travis Johnson via Af 
        To: af@afmug.com 
        Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 1:46 PM
        Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

        --- [ Travis Johnson <t...@ida.net> wrote ]:
        The stock market is not a good "long term" investment, in my 
opinion.... unless you go into a fund like T. Rowe Price Blue Chip (which has 
returned me 30% so far this year). A single stock is just too risky.

        The play is the one day in and out game... like this Alibaba stock... 


        On 9/19/2014 11:39 AM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

--- [ Bill Prince mailto:part...@skylinebroadbandservice.com wrote ]:

          Wait until the euphoria wears off.  I'll bet it hits $60 before the 
end of the year.

bpOn 9/19/2014 9:32 AM, CBB - Jay Fuller via Af wrote:

            whewwww....it really tanked there.   below $91....

              ----- Original Message ----- 
              From: CBB - Jay Fuller via Af 
              To: af@afmug.com 
              Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 10:33 AM
              Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

              interesting...i'm listening. lol.

                ----- Original Message ----- 
                From: Travis Johnson via Af 
                To: af@afmug.com 
                Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 10:16 AM
                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] today's a big day on the stock market.....

                I disagree... I think today will be an amazing ride... people 
will make a TON of money if their timing is right.


                On 9/19/2014 9:05 AM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

                  I would not touch that offering with a 10 foot pole.  I see 
nothing but sorrow.  Too much hype.  Too much unknown.

bpOn 9/19/2014 6:41 AM, CBB - Jay Fuller via Af wrote:

                    Anyone trying to get in on Alibaba's IPO?


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