Without getting into the "do you know the history of the tower" "rohn
should have it registered" etc

If the only information available is the tower section types and the
visible dimenstions of the concrete base, and nothing else is, assume all
records have been destroyed by isis, everyone involved in the build was on
a plane that wrecked, all structural analysts are in an internment camp,
etc. We will assume the base is appropriate for the tower.

is there a quick and dirty tool to calculate the wind load capability of a

We are on a couple smaller towers, 120 and 140 rohn ssv. We have a single
backhaul and ap on each tower, the tower owner has 2 backhauls on one and
one backhaul on the other.

Our APs are the MTI 900mhz surfboards, the tower with 2 backhauls, we have
a 2' parabolic and the one with a single owner backhaul is an 18" parabolic.

Their backhauls are all 2' parabolic and theyre talking about going to a
minimum 3'

The little site I dont think we will have an affect on, I think we are at
90' on both

I just want to be able to punch in some numbers from spec sheets and spit
out a calculation on whether the additional load of their antennas will be
an issue or not so we can make a decision whether to pull down an 800
dollar antenna and put back up another 700 dollar antenna to decrease

Given the circumstances, Im confident if left in the hands of the 3rd party
there will be no calculation and they will blindly tell the tower owner
that our gear presents to great a load.

Im not looking for an engineering firm to come do anything, Im not looking
for legal protection, Im not looking for much beyond peace of mind, just a
calculator. We are talking about 700 bucks for antenna, going much beyond
peace of mind would cost more than just swapping the antenna

All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the
parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you
can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not
use a hammer. -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925

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