You change your meds or something Steve?

First the props to the PTP650, now this. Makes me think that someone has you tied up in a closet or something, and is posting in your place....


On 9/25/2014 10:44 AM, That One Guy via Af wrote:
I never have much good to say about anything, but this is a credit where credit is due thing.

They have done alot of work on this new version they have out.

We are in the process of demoing it and just did a live import of data from our old version

The features in this are slick, the interface doesnt look like something from 1982 anymore

It seems responsive and intuitive

The big thing today was the 477 export. I personally did not want to have to learn any of the back end stuff on prepping the 477 to file for something that doesnt benefit us and is only done twice a year.

I allocated until the filing deadline all my time to focusing on actually reading the FCC crap, collecting the data, formatting it, etc.

Powercode just released their functional tool, so i set aside two of those days to get a build live and import our data, I had a couple issues, but it was mainly my dumb ass causing them.

Got the live data running, ran the tool and uploaded our stuff. The whole process took around ten minutes, and I still dont even know or care exactly what the FCC is getting, all I know is its done, assuming its correct, and I didnt have to stab anybody.

If you are looking for a platform that does your goodness for you (this issue comes up about once a month) Powercode has become a top notch product. Managing your guys time is one of the features just implemented, it needs a little fine tuning, but you can have utter morons handling your scheduling and the system makes sure things dont get too out of hand

handling your business with helpdesk ticketing just became a real option with this build too, centralized, tied to your actual customers... nice

The billing features have been good for a long time, not alot of changes to that, but for the most part there didnt need to be.

Monitoring your network has gotten great, trend base probing and alerting. This does alot of what a fully functional stand alone NMS does. And they added a cloud for the userbase to share probes, no more asking guys how to do this and thet, then getting a vague answer you have to figure out how to implement - genius

Buy powercode today while supplies last!!

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All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer. -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925

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