Over the years we have employed different philosophies on mounting sectors to 
towers.  Our reference point was the Moto 100 series connectorized radios with 
sectors.  We started out with 18" standoffs on a Rohn 25G tower, because some 
"smart guy" suggested that was what we needed.  Another smart guy suggested 
24", so some of them were done like that.  Then, someone else suggested that we 
really didn't need standoffs at all, that they could be mounted each on a leg 
of the tower and we would be fine.  (we always ran 3   120 sector/AP 
configuration per tower in 2.4 Ghz).  As far as difference that we could 
measure, we found no difference in AP to SM performance when we measured at any 
distance of connection.  Maybe we were missing something, but anyway, we 
settled on mounting them directly on the tower leg.

Moving forward to today.  We have been installing the ePMP 2.4 series instead 
of 100 series 2.4s.    The installation techs mounted them back to back, with 
North/South on one frequency (Front/Back Frequency Reuse configuration) and 
East/West on the other frequency.  One of the 4 sectors had to have a custom 
mounting bar made to replace the short stubby one that comes with the sector, 
thus allowing the 2 sectors (North and East at 90 degree offset) to be put on 
one leg right near each other.  Again, this is Frequency Re-use a bit of a 
different scenario.

Anyway, today in working with Cambium, they told us we need to have at least 3 
ft of vertical separation between each radio on the same frequency, so North 
and East could be at one level (dif. Frequencies) and South and West would be 
vertically separated.  Alrighty then :) .....  so we have 6 towers to go move 
things around on.  We are going to some test tomorrow on the first tower to see 
exactly how much separation yields us how much F/B isolation.  Using ePMP 
eDetect feature, that should be pretty easy to see.

OK....so here is where I want opinions.  Really I'd like "expert advice", but I 
will settle for opinions :)

How far "should" these sectors be "stood off" from the tower, if at all?   I am 
not expecting to be able to measure any difference with the F/B ratio data, so 
its back to this is "all theory".    Is the standoff question a front to back 
issue at all, or a "we want the metal" sector away from the metal tower a 
little bit?


Paul McCall, Pres.
PDMNet / Florida Broadband
658 Old Dixie Highway
Vero Beach, FL 32962
772-564-6800 office
772-473-0352 cell

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