When will we see it for PMP100 series?

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 7:12 AM, Matt Mangriotis via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:
> It is here!
> We released 13.2 this morning officially.  Come to our forum to discuss
> anything about it.
> http://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/PMP-450/System-Release-13-2-Now-Avaialable/m-p/36254/thread-id/278
> Download the software from the usual place on our support site:
> https://support.cambiumnetworks.com/files/pmp450/
> Thanks to all of you that Beta tested this software with us, and helped to
> make it stronger and better than ever.  Now that this is here, we’re hard at
> work on delivering the next round of enhancements (code name 13.3 (pretty
> original, huh?)) which are right around the corner.
> The momentum is building on the PMP 450 platform.
> Thanks again,
> Matt

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