I have a SyncInjector H1 on an old Base-1 and I get the same thing for the exp. description. It happened when I renamed some of the SyncInjector related binary or analog items. It works, so I just left it alone.

Mine is running 24-Apr-14. That's a firmware load Forrest sent me to debug some detection issues.

Also, when I refresh the String I/O, the base unit crashes and the HW watchdog recovers it. I haven't had any time to mess with it or email Forrest about it.

On 11/13/2014 6:16 PM, Plexicomm Admin via Af wrote:
So I have two SyncInjectors connected to this SiteMonitor. The second one will not communicate properly (see screen shot below). I tried rebooting the base, different jumpers, defaulting, no luck. All three items are brand new.

Dan English
Plexicomm - Internet Solutions
d...@plexicomm.net | 1.866.759.4678 x103
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