No. You lose a lot of gain/isolation with the omni. We found that bare SM works "OK" out to about a mile. Farther than that we needed to dish. We've got a couple of subs at ~~ 1.2 miles that are bare, but are also only 8X/4X. Putting a dish on those puppies should bump them up to 8X/8X. More efficient.

<part {dash} 15 {at} SkylineBroadbandService {dot} com>

On 12/16/2014 4:31 PM, Jay Weekley via Af wrote:
Is that with a bare sm?

Bill Prince via Af wrote:
Interesting. We put a 2.4 GHz 450 on an omni, and we're getting -62 at 1.8 miles not to mention 8X/8X operation).

<part {dash} 15 {at} SkylineBroadbandService {dot} com>

On 12/16/2014 11:40 AM, Jay Weekley via Af wrote:
Our experience with the 3.65 GHz 450 AP on an omni was underwhelming. About -73 at 1 mile line of site.

Matt via Af wrote:
Anyone running a 5.8GHZ 450 AP on an Omni antenna?  What kind of range
are you getting?

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