OUCH ...


I can not get CNUT to update ePMP It just says it's uploading the package
then fails. Tech Support recommends CNSS (Cambium Network Services Server).
This program needs to use port 80 which conflicts with CNUT and Dude.  I
finally set-up a dedicated machine and even after installing CNS Server 1.2
Windows Setup, CNS Server 1.2 Hot Fix 1, and the CND files for ePMP 2.3 this
program doesn't work.  I'm a week into trying to get past this issue
(Started when 2.4 firmware was released).  I'm not doing well with CSSCORP
people.  It seems clear that in addition to being challenged by the English
language they know little about the CNSS program or how to work effectively
toward a solution.  I finally had to tell them I'm done until they get
someone involved that has a clue.


If I'm forced to continue to do firmware updates using the GUI I think I'm
to carve my eyes out.  I can deal with slow on a 1-2 unit basis but updating
an entire network that way is causing me to become unstable. 


Has anyone here made it work?


Steve B.



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