Guys This is for the people who is renting space on village/city water tower whats your avg rent or what did you guys agreed on rent? Because I have one village is trying sucker punch me into saying that I should give them 8-15k per year to rent space on there water tower and where they are getting this quote is because centurylink is paying them 15k per year for " renting a small fiber optic cable facility to Century Link for $8000 annually"
Which I feel that quote is unfair for an small wisp like me. I have explain to them that I am an small WISP and I am not like centurylink or any telephone company. Then they turn around emailed me again saying they just got an letter from an cell phone company wanting to rent space on there water tower. They also told me they are getting ready to install water smart meter and they will be placing antenna's on there. Sounds like to me the village is trying some tricky crap to make me offer more money then what I offered to them. So I like you guys input into this. Tim