Hi Matt,

Many thanks, that would be amazing :)

kind Regards,


On 4 April 2015 at 05:02, Matt Hardy <m...@ubnt.com> wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> I'll be happy to set up a few devices for you to test with ... I'll send
> you another message off-list when I'm back in the office Monday :)
> -Matt
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Neil Lathwood <neil.lathw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> As per the other thread discussing LibreNMS and us trying to add support
>> added for more wireless based devices, a fair few have been in touch to
>> offer help and support in making this happen - thanks to everyone who has
>> been in contact.
>> Just before I came across the other thread I'd been in touch with someone
>> on the ubnt forums who had built support for these devices and they've
>> (Mark Gibbons) very kindly provided us the code which this evening has just
>> been merged into our main code base. I don't actually have these devices to
>> be able to test this, if anyone does and they can provide snmp access for
>> me to give things a whirl that would be amazing - just drop me an email
>> offlist.
>> We are still working to get support for other vendors and if it's still
>> ok with everyone, I'll post updates as and when we have them - if not, just
>> tell me to go away :)
>> Thanks,
>> Neil

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