We are aliens!

Gino A. Villarini

> On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:18 PM, Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
> The Aliens Channel.  All aliens, all the time.
> -----Original Message----- From: Gino Villarini
> Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 3:08 PM
> To: <af@afmug.com>
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT - TV documentary review
> Your calling ancient aliens bad????
> Gino A. Villarini
> @gvillarini
>> On Apr 19, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
>> History Channel has produced a lot of bad programs lately, but today I saw a 
>> documentary titled "World War II From Space" that is worth watching.
>> I think it was made in 2012 in the UK, and it's not actually from space. But 
>> it's produced in a way that will hold the attention of a generation raised 
>> on video games and CGI movies.  Fast paced with good commentary and 
>> graphics.  Obviously in 90 minutes you're not going to cover every detail, 
>> but I highly recommend it as an overview for people young enough to maybe 
>> not realize the enormity of that conflict and how it continues to influence 
>> events today.  I am a baby boomer, my dad fought in that war, and yet I 
>> found it pretty riveting with some "holy crap" moments.
>> Sorry, I realize this is OT, but it's unusual to see something on old 
>> fashioned "linear TV" worth recommending, especially since Sunday is such a 
>> TV wasteland except for sports.

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