The mast for the dish network 500 and 1000.4 dish are both built to specific specs. A dish network distributor will have them. The 1000.4 is heavier duty, but more expensive. Either one is more rugged than the Skywalker model. I think the Dish 500 mast was like $8 or $9.

So I guess my suggestion is locate your nearest Dish Network distributor.

On 4/20/2015 9:33 PM, SmarterBroadband wrote:

Two questions.

1. We purchase some satellite mounts a long while ago 1.66 with a big base (foot), it measures 8 x 10 inch, would like to buy some more, anyone recognize where they come from?

2. Where are people buying standard satellite mounts 1.66 approx. 23 inches? We have been using Skywalker but the bases have gotten so thin they are twisting in high winds causing many �Fix Visits� to replace.



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