I thought you gained 2db because of MIMO? John Woodfield, President Delmarva WiFi Inc. 410-870-WiFi
-----Original Message----- From: "Josh Luthman" <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 9:35pm To: af@afmug.com Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Nanobridge M5 Well you're losing 3db because of MIMO. At least 1db from what the antennas say. What's the signal now? Josh Luthman Office: 937-552-2340 Direct: 937-552-2343 1100 Wayne St Suite 1337 Troy, OH 45373 On May 7, 2015 9:32 PM, "Glen Waldrop" <[ gwl...@cngwireless.net ]( mailto:gwl...@cngwireless.net )> wrote: I've got a few links out there with the NBM5, longest is around 12 miles. According to the math I should get a decent shot at 24 miles, but according to that same math the NBM5 should have higher signal in every single link I've done. My question here is what is the longest link you've done with the NBM5 25 and what is the actual gain on these units since they don't seem to actually gain 25 as they're suppose to. I'm not opposed to using a Rocket and larger dish, just trying to see what the actual limits to the device are and what the actual gain is for math. Currently I've got the 24 mile shot with a 29 and 26dBi grids, decent, but still using 2008 MT hardware. I need more speed for growth.