he should get his IP addressed. It may be that his provider doesnt have
appropriate reverse DNS, baracuda looks, I remember when we had to do it,
we had our records listed with something like dynamic, or client or
something, theres a list of words that flag you. but, of course this only
matters if the ISP can or will do anything about it. He may be able to
delist himself temporarily. It may also be he is just listed because he was
relaying spam

To verify this is the issue he can send an email to the same address one
from a client, one from webmail, if the webmail gets through, then it
verifies thats the actual problem.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Nate Burke <n...@blastcomm.com> wrote:

> I have a customer complaining about barracuda rejecting emails he is
> sending because of a 'reputation' problem.  But the IP Address they
> reference is the end user's IP, not the server IP.  Shouldn't the
> reputation be based on the Mail server, not where the mailserver had
> sourced the email from?
> Is this a setting in Barracuda?  I don't see any other rejections from
> barracuda appliances except to this one domain.
> Nate

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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