Looks like Adam Armstrong after burning his bridges with all the WISPS went on 
another irc rage.  He ticked off another person not more than a month later.  
He posted his chat logs to /r/networking in reddit and it made it o the front 
page for 2 straight days.  Went on a tirade  in another display of 
unprofessional behavior continued to inflame the situation again and actually 
got banned from Reddit.  

Jump into LibreNMS.  Its so much better in a creative environment with people 
at the helm so helpful and dedicated its almost unheard of.  I'm so glad all of 
this happened because something so good came from it. Even has already added 5 
different vendors for me alone in the last month.  Working on other wireless 
stuff and major improvement.  The ##Librenms channel had quadrupled with 
supporters and contributors.  

Its just not fun watching someone like this self destruct, start losing all his 
customers and circling the drain like this.  

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