I don't remember..  Does the 320 have a screen with additional gps info,
I.e. Satellites tracked, etc?
On Jun 12, 2015 5:21 PM, "Chris Fabien" <ch...@lakenetmi.com> wrote:

> I have a PMP320 AP losing sync, if I reboot the AP it will show Sync for a
> few minutes, then show Sync 1PPS Lost, sometimes it will appear to switch
> back and forth. Also seen No Sync. When showing no sync, the stations seem
> to be continually re-registering.
> This is using a sync pipe with timing cable. Of course I'm out of town for
> the weekend with no spare APs or sync pipes on hand to have a climber try
> swapping.
> Any thoughts as to what piece might be the problem or a way to get it back
> online? Never seen one do this before, we only have a few of these APs on
> the network.
> Chris Fabien
> LakeNet LLC

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