I think what you are seeing is typical.

From: George Skorup 
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 9:22 PM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] FSK 900mhz AP to SM should it read the same as a SM?

I have a lab/bench setup. Every one gets tested to a known good AP. The P9 
boards can vary quite a bit. The most common issue I see with field returned 
radios is damaged pigtails and/or the RF section just took a shit. Off in the 
round filing cabinet they go, not even worth getting them fixed anymore. Yes, 
P10's are far more stable and consistent. Calibration issues are rare anymore. 
The only time I really see bad cal data is when a board takes a nearby 
lightning strike and the flash is corrupt, but for some reason they still boot, 
just default calibration values. Still not worth trying to get those fixed. I 
throw them in a pile for later.

I've always seen P9 APs underperform. The RF output isn't as stable. This isn't 
that bad at 900 and 2.4, but totally sucks on 5GHz. Every one of the P9 5.7's 
we had up had to be swapped with P10's or 11's. Went through three APs at one 
site and finally put in a P10 and all of the SM power levels came up 8-10dB. 
Drove me nuts for a month.

On 6/30/2015 8:18 PM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:

  Ok so� to answer Steve�s question. No filter on this I have never seen 
one of the filters but have heard of them. 


  I should point out that this AP is deployed now. The test as a SM was done a 
few weeks ago along with a bunch of other equipment most SMs came in around -72 
a few came in around -80. We tested a �couple APs and they both were -80ish. 
We assumed at the time that it was normal. Now I am doubting that assumption. 
�This deployed AP is having some issues with far out SMs in the 8 and 9 mile 
range. The AP it replaced was not having these issues although this one is 
higher �in elevation than the last one so not everything is identical.


  At this point a climb is planned for the AM to put in a p10 AP.

  Best regards,

  Brandon Yuchasz




  From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of cstann...@gmail.com
  Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 7:50 PM
  To: af@afmug.com
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] FSK 900mhz AP to SM should it read the same as a SM?


  From what I understand FSK Canopy doesn't estimate incoming signal level, 
more that it adjusts the rx pre-amp until it sees a signal it likes and then 
based on rx pre-amp setting it guesses what the incoming signal was. So 2 
different Canopy units can in the exact same situation and signal can show a 
difference up to about 10db.

  The calibration setting affects what signal level the SM shows but don't play 
with that as you can fry the radio as Paul found out.


  From: "Brandon Yuchasz" <li...@gogebicrange.net> 

  Sender: "Af" <af-boun...@afmug.com> 

  Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 17:04:43 +0000

  To: <af@afmug.com>

  ReplyTo: af@afmug.com 

  Subject: [AFMUG] FSK 900mhz AP to SM should it read the same as a SM?


  So I am trying to trouble shoot some APs. FSK 900mhz.

  I have a P9 AP when I set it to run as an SM it reads a -80 but when I put an 
actual SM in its place it reads -72. Should there be a difference between these 
two units or do I just have a crap AP?



  Best regards,

  Brandon Yuchasz




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