Maybe it's Saturday night exhaustion talking, but piping the exhaust from a
standby generator toward the back of solar panels a bad idea?  I'd expect
it to not put heat on the panels in the summer except it's weekly exercise
cycle but that shouldn't be too bad?  LP too so shouldn't be any soot.  Or
would this just create one little hole of open panel and a pile of ice?
Bad in general for the panels?

If I did this again, I'd put the damn thing directly under the panels...
these Onan's get stinking hot.  My little "cool running", comparatively
speaking, portable yamaha's will melt a two foot radius of snow around them
if they run for a good length of time, all this heat going to waste!  The
Onan would probably clear the whole rack if it was sitting right below it.

Grumble grumble... snow... something, something, curse words...


Steve D

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