For those of you that have had issues with the ExtendAir G2, what exactly were your problems? I have a new 11GHz link that randomly sees the BER go high in both directions and it drops out. RSL at both ends is normal during this. It looks like multipath or interference, but a reboot clears it up most of the time. The link was in an unavailable state for about 10 minutes this afternoon. I rebooted both ends and it was fine for a few hours. Then it happened again and I only rebooted the Tx low end and it was fine after that. Now it appears to be taking errors again, but there are no BER alarms or sync losses in the event log... yet.

I have dropped the Tx power on both ends to zero for a fade test and the modulation dropped a bit, but the BER was fine, so I don't think this is interference from another system. Leaning towards one of the radios being bad, just not sure which end yet. We've verified alignment at each end twice now, so it's not that. RSL at each end is also very close to what it should be, within 1-2dB.

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