We are getting ready to put up a licensed 11 GHz 2+0 link using Cambium PTP820S radios. We have two 11 GHz frequencies that are oppositely polarized for use on this path. I had assumed that we would need to use dual polarity dishes in order to make this work, but Cambium and our vendor are saying that we need to use single-pol dishes. This completely baffles me. How can a single-pol antenna transmit in two polarities? Cambium's answer is that it's because we're using an OMT, and that device essentially makes the single-pol antenna circularly polarized, so it will transmit both polarities. My first thought is "what kind of voodoo is this?" Will this really work??? I'd sure hate to start transmitting, only to find out from an existing license holder that we're interfering with them because one of our frequencies is coming out the antenna in the wrong polarity. Can someone confirm for me that this will really fly?



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