Just use it.  Whose gonna know?

-----Original Message----- From: Sterling Jacobson
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 8:07 PM
To: 'af@afmug.com'
Subject: [AFMUG] Ceragon 1Gbps 11Ghz link for sale

11GHz licensing is a joke.

I pulled my Ceragon 1Gbps link because of the inability to get the full license for the full spectrum needed for this radio link.

I think it was over $40k when I bought it.

Does anyone want it for some reasonable price?

I think the dishes were 3'.

Ceragon IP20c 11G 60MHz

I'm still trying to work a deal to get the full license for the link path(s) I want, but honestly there are too many squatters and complaints from Rise (Digis) every time I try that I'm about to give up.

It's in Utah, so shipping would be crate, unless someone local wants it.

It's been used a few months on a path using half capacity this summer.

Give me a reasonable offer.

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