Tell them it will be fine as long as it isn't installed while Mercury is in retrograde.

-----Original Message----- From: Adam Moffett
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] RF exposure concerns

You'll also never convince the crazy ones.  They made up their mind
before they opened their mouths.
You can only hope to minimize the fear and uncertainty they can spread.

On 12/14/2015 1:46 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:
Tell them all that the cell phone in their pocket is exposing them to about 1 million times more RF than a rooftop installation. Moreover, the 6 GHz system will focus the energy to "pencil beam " that points away from the library.

Furthermore, their wifi in that building will expose them to thousands of times more RF than the rooftop system. Does the Library have wifi now? Do they use cell phones now? If so they are hypocrites.

You can get into dBM and antenna patterns but I find it best to keep it dumbed down as much as practical.

-----Original Message----- From: Craig Baird
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 11:19 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] RF exposure concerns

We have been working with a nearby city to bring Internet service into
their area.  The city government has been very cooperative because the
existing service in the area is exceptionally poor.  Our plan is to
feed the city with a 6 GHz licensed link to the rooftop of the city
library.  From there we plan to redistribute via unlicensed.  We are
on the agenda to present our plan for use of the library roof to the
city council this week.  I just got an e-mail from the City saying
that a "concerned citizen" has contacted them saying he felt there
were FCC issues and regulations with placing equipment on the library
due to potential RF Exposure to "children and customers of the
library".  Anyway, this guy is preparing an informational packet to
give to the City Council at the meeting.  Obviously, I'm not sure what
this informational packet will contain, but I'm pretty certain it will
largely amount to fear-mongering, and will likely imply that we will
give cancer to anyone to enters the library.

I'd like to be prepared with some solid data on RF exposure from 6 GHz
licensed microwave.  Can anyone point me to something that would be



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