Well, that’s 10 times what you can do with PMP100 in 900 MHz.

If all your customers are 3 walls and a parking lot away, you’re off to the 

From: Mathew Howard 
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 2:21 PM
To: af 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 900mhz 450i availability ???

I was getting between 30 and 45mbps aggregate on a 10mhz channel, across our 
parking lot, and through three walls... which is pretty much meaningless, other 
than to say it's better than PMP100 :P

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:

  That's impossible to answer without knowing what SNR you will get, what 
channel size you will use, what up/down ratio you choose, and whether you will 
use 2.5 or 5 msec framing.

  If you can use a 20 MHz channel and can get 30+ dB SNR so you can run 8X 
MIMO-B, then throughput will be like any other 450 variant somewhere north of 
100 Mbps aggregate up+down.

  More realistically for the 900 MHz band, you might use a 7 MHz channel and 
get 4X to 6X modulation due to interference.  You can do the math, that's 
somewhere around maybe 25 Mbps.

  If your interference is mainly from high powered paging above 930 MHz, there 
is a paging filter that might help.

  I didn't check Link Planner, if Cambium has put it in there, you could play 
with the numbers.

  -----Original Message----- From: Keefe John
  Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 1:52 PM
  To: af@afmug.com
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 900mhz 450i availability ???

  What's the real-life throughput of the 450i?

  On 12/23/2015 12:12 PM, Kurt Fankhauser wrote:

    What is the status on the 900mhz 450 hitting mass distributors? I know some 
people out there have some early pre-order units but is there some of this 
still floating around on a boat somewhere or something? Streakwave doesn't even 
have the 900mhz 450i listed on their website at all. Also more importantly, how 
good is the F/B ratio on the cambium sector in real life deployments? The 
sector looks like a KP on the PDF. Have they released any pricing publicly? 
Also will there be a lite AP for <10 subs at half cost of the full AP? This is 
very important because we need to have many sectors on a tower to get around 
the noise which means a lot less subs per AP.

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