Might just be a fragged unit.

I had one that would _ONLY_ hold a default configuration. As soon as I changed anything from default, it would refuse to boot. Replaced the sucker, and never looked back.


On 1/15/2016 7:45 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
Ive been dicking with this thing for a few hours now. I got it, left the default config on it, then dumped another config file in no problems, updated it to the newest version through winbox, updated routerboard, no issues. After doing a bunch of testing however i went to factory default it through winbox and it went to crap. Its like the default configuration is hosed. Ive netinstalled current version, and down to 5.26. after taking it to 5.26 it still wouldnt load default config, occasionally after resetting it it would give the message about default config, but never loaded any of it

I see alot of results for this same problem, but usually a netinstall resolves it, in this case no.

When I load the firmware through netinstall shouldnt it be loading a full new set of files?

what other options do I have before going to mikrotik?

is this what I can expect?

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