My son has a Note 5. The screen is much bigger than mine. I think everyone who types a lot on a phone uses the 2 thumb method and have no problems. Old timers like me tend to poke with an index finger and miss a lot, either need to learn the thumb method or buy a stylus.

-----Original Message----- From: Nate Burke
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:31 AM
To: Animal Farm
Subject: [AFMUG] Cell Phone Gripe

The Boss got a new Note 5 yesterday.  How do yall live with on screen
keyboards?  I tried using it for like 10 minutes and got too
frustrated.  80% miss-type, and losing 3/4 of the screen anytime you
need to type something (RDP Is almost completely impossible).  Am I just
too old to use this technology?  Maybe using it now and then over the
coming weeks things will get better, but right now it's STRANGE and

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