The auto discovery list populates when you refresh an AP. It's basically the AP LUID table, aka SM session status list. And no, you cannot select auto discovered elements and directly update them. What you need to do here is select an AP and enable auto-update. That will upload the software image to the AP, then the AP will start sending the image down to the SMs.

On 2/2/2016 11:28 PM, Christopher Gray wrote:
Bingo, "No SNMP Response". SNMP tab had some old info. Thank you!

A follow-up question. In CNUT, the SMs are auto-detected. After stating "Discovered", when I attempt an update, it states "Unable to communicate with the Network Element. Error:No SNMP response". If I manually enter the IP address, updating works fine. What sort of SNMP configuration do I need to allow updates through the auto-detected connections?

Thank you - Chris

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 9:29 PM, George Skorup < <>> wrote:

    When you try to refresh that AP in CNUT, do you get no SNMP
    response? Or what does it do exactly? Or how about what errors
    does CNUT spit out? I would start by checking the SNMP communities
    and Accessing Addresses on the radio. If you inherited it, it's
    probably something that simple.

    BTW, I've had stuff on 8.1.5 that I've upgraded just fine.

    On 2/2/2016 8:09 PM, Christopher Gray wrote:

        PMP100 gear is relatively new to me (in use on some existing
        networks I've just starting repairing).

        I have a P9 AP running v9.5 firmware that I'd like to upgrade
        to v13.4. I just moved a few other P10 APs up to v13.4 without
        issue, but this one AP is not recognized by CNUT.

        Is there a trick to get CNUT to recognize the older systems?
        Is there another way to upgrade firmware manually?

        Thank you - Chris

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