This may just be unique to us, but we moved from the 24/7 outsourced coverage to in house support that is not 24/7 and we have not gotten too many complaints. The basic support center did so little, that, we typically were following up on most critical tickets within 2 hours anyways. So, now we just have people leave us voicemail or e-mail and we get back to them. There are definitely some aggravations that come with dealing with an outsourced company;

I don't have to wait for some supervisor at the Call Center to escalate tickets, which usually adds 30m-2h before I get to see an escalated ticket for a critical issue. Again, I've already paid for the ticket at this point, I want to see it immediately!

I don't have to worry about my request being honored in a timely manner, or at all if they go against some corporate policy decided by some crazed adherence to metrics. *I* don't care how many tickets they 'closed' for us, I wanted to see every ticket posted as an escalation. Could never get that to happen. As we were paying the same amount for those tickets no matter the resolution, this is one of those things that got my blood boiling.

Overall I think our customers are a lot happier. We've also been putting a tremendous amount of work into streamlining our network, so, the call volume has been going down quite a bit too.

The surprising thing is that regardless of how many prompts there are, some people just don't understand what's going on when the voicemail box picks up. Even then, though, we can usually identify the caller via CID info and get back to them.

Trust me, I was scared as hell, because we really only have 2 people who do Sales/Support/Billing, and one additional Billing person. I thought it would be a gigantic disaster and it has been going really well so far. But I imagine this could very well be a unique situation, and not the norm.


-- Samuel Kirsch, Network Support
Plexicomm - Internet Solutions |
Office: 1.866.759.4678 x109 | Fax: 1.866.852.4688
Emergency Support: 1.866.759.9713 |

------ Original Message ------
From: "Ken Hohhof" <>
Sent: 2/4/2016 12:16:30 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Call center pricing

I’m trying to imagine having the phones covered 24/7 for awhile and then taking it away after the night owls and lonely hearts get used to being able to call in the middle of the night. Call center support must be a one-way street, you can’t go back.

Because customers can accept being treated like dirt, but don’t ever give them something nice and then try to take it back.

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Call center pricing

Yep, $24K a year. They will do some basic sales, but you have to realize that these are tech support guys...they aren't really salesmen. They are willing to answer some questions, and will schedule an install when someone calls in and says "I want to be installed on X day"...but when the customer needs to 'be sold' don't expect any big numbers.

Still, when you add it up. 1,000 customers at $2,000 a will never hire ONE employee at minimum wage to answer your calls at that rate. Not to mention that employee will only work 8 hours a day. This route, you end up with a call center that has 15 or 20 techs that can take calls simultaneously, and it runs 24 hours. If you can't tell I've already sold myself and am working on switching right now.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 9:11 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <> wrote:
so for 1k customers youd be looking at 24k per year?

whats a 2 dollar service get you? basic tier 1 tech support (powercycle and a ticket)? basic billing stuff, take payments under specific circumstance, and a ticket? Presales info?

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 10:08 PM, Jeremy <> wrote:
$2.00 per customer per month.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 8:28 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <> wrote:
what kind of dough gets paid for call centers capable of answering our industries phones?

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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