Great picture/meme I read the other day...

Something like "If Java took care of garbage collection itself, the
world would have roughly 98% less java apps".

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Eric Kuhnke <> wrote:
> "Security" systems that run on windows are amazingly bad. It's as if they're
> coded by the same people who write embedded industrial control/automation
> software. No I don't want to install a 3 year old Sun JRE to run your
> software. Here's a great writeup on "why we have stuxnet":
> I usually do embedded cross-development under Linux, typically with some
> hacked-up ancient version of gcc and obtuse command-line utilities that fail
> with cryptic error messages until you've spent several hours hacking around
> with them.  This time though I had to use Windows because getting the
> drivers
> going under Linux just wasn't working.  So I go to the web site of the $20B
> global hardware vendor that makes this stuff and download their SDK tools.
>   "We've detected that you've got A/V running.  You should disable this in
>   order to run our tools.  Are you sure you want to continue?".
> Yeah, I'm not doing that, so I click continue.
>   DISABLE IT.  Waiting for A/V to be disabled".
> OK, so I'll disable A/V.  At which point Windows goes to about Defcon 2 and
> starts screaming about the imminent collapse of civilisation, but I don't
> have
> any choice.
> So the install starts, except it won't install in $Program_Files because
> that
> has, you know, security applied to it.  It wants to create its own public
> directory off $SystemRoot and install to that.
> OK, so I'll allow it to do that.
> Now Windows Firewall is throwing up warnings about tclsh groping around on
> the
> Internet (they install a complete Cygwin environment, presumably because
> their
> Windows SDK is all scripted in Tcl).  So I allow that, and various other
> things that I get warnings about.
> It then proceeds to download and install a 2-year-old version of Java, which
> apparently is needed by their SDK.
> After that, it reaches out to about a hundred-odd HTTP URLs, downloads
> binary
> blobs from them, and installs them.  I tried setting up a tunnel to an HTTPS
> equivalent but it only does HTTP.
> Finally, it's finished.  The app starts up and requests elevation to
> Administrator.  Then it starts grabbing more binary blobs from HTTP URLs and
> installing them.
> All that was just from watching what was happening, I didn't do any further
> checking to see what other horrors lurked beneath the surface, but given
> what
> I'd seen so far it was bound to be pretty bad.
> I think we need to treat any embedded device developed via this vendor as
> pre-
> compromised.  And that includes the aerospace and military ones.
> Peter.
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Josh Reynolds <> wrote:
>> I'm dying here. Every single system I can find is shit or costs an arm
>> and a leg, to the point where I'm considering starting a company to
>> make a better system. I just need an embedded, web based, IP access
>> control system. It needs to be able to control the individual door
>> access controllers to electronic striker or maglock to the keypad. POE
>> here is best. If it requires software running on a windows PC then I
>> don't want anything to do with it, even for those of you who are like
>> "put it in a vm"... no. Those resources are reserved for properly
>> functioning operation systems (and LXC containers!).
>> I've got 3 doors at one location, then 2 more doors at 2 other locations.
>> If it has a mobile app, that's even better.
>> I've installed a couple of HID Global and DoorKing systems in the past
>> and nothing about this is hard, but the chinese systems are only made
>> for a single location.
>> Any suggestions?

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