
Since the big release of the new Tesla model this last week, I've been reading up on the company in general. Here is an article that shows the real numbers that even Tesla isn't talking about:


I agree with most of what they say... especially about the new Model 3. They already take an $8,000+ loss on the current model they sell for $80,000... there is no way they will be able to make a profit on a $35,000 - $40,000 car. The other issue is that all the major car companies will have their own fully electric cars out in the next 2-3 years, and people would rather own a BMW or Mercedes if the price is the same. :)

The next 2-3 years could be critical for Tesla. I'm not sure how they are going to make it work with all the debt they already have on their books. Hopefully this doesn't become another Enron company.

I agree they have done more for the electric car industry than anyone, ever... but their business model just doesn't make sense. Musk himself has to keep putting his own money into the company just to keep it running. Imagine buying a $40,000 car and having them go out of business the next year... no warranty, no service... the car becomes worth $10,000 overnight. :(


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