I was south of all of the really bad stuff, north of some of the moderately bad 

Damn near lost two family members in that storm. One’s apartment complex 
survived and the neighbor’s didn’t, the other had moved just a few days prior 
to her apartment complex being erased. A third was just a few blocks from the 
intersection of 15th and McFarland.

I’ve got family spread out over the entire run of the storm. It is amazing how 
it all fell together. They all just happened to not be there when it rolled 

I sat here with my TV on one channel, streaming another, just watching, keeping 
in touch with everyone and keeping one eye to our south west to see if anything 
was coming our way. Started around lunch time, didn’t stop until at least 11pm.

Crazy day.

From: CBB - Jay Fuller 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:25 AM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: [AFMUG] 5 years ago today.....

This is what was happening in my home town......


What many people do not know is we had massive straight line winds early that 
morning (in addition to other tornadoes) and many parts of our state were 
without power during that huge outbreak.  After the outbreak, we didn't have 
power for nearly a week.

Watched some of the early morning coverage recently posted on youtube late last 
night - the last hour or so (really two hours) as the on-air guys were starting 
to get some damage reports in - - their tone really changed....


Here is the infamous coverage of the event as it happened...


I was actually out checking on a tower that had been without power since that 
morning as this thing spun up - i almost
drove right into it.   There is a picture of the sky from about 30 minutes 
before (while i was at that tower) hanging in
our conference room.   My dad's office shows several damage photos from that 

Lots of coverage on youtube - - our state is buzzing about this today....and 
really this week

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