I would say 150k sq foot wireless coverage between 42 buildings for 39
bucks a month is a pretty fair deal. This is the request that came in to us.

XXXX has a business location in XXXX at another address that he has
questions about getting service for. It is at XXXX. It's a shed he rents
from someone and he would like internet to cover his office, a toolshed,
and up to 40 outside of his buildings since he's going to use iPads and
barcodes everywhere. Up to 2 1/2-3 1/2 acres he needs covered. He's tried
XXXX and they weren't working well. He wants to use us for POS system. He
said he's more interested in residential plans than business because he
doesn't need the other features as he gets them from whoever supports his
POS. He doesn't want to sign up until he knows the cost of what his
monthly/annual service would be.

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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