The area targeted, in fact, is a downtown business district.  Nearly every 
customer/subscriber there has 60/4 from the cable co (charter) and they hate 
it.  in fact, in the last month, it has been riddled with problems - but now 
they seem to have the bugs worked out as i'm not hearing the complaints as much 

aside from being local, our next major benefit is we can offer faster upload 
than they can.  our customers 15-20 miles outside of town are surrounded by 
trees and are in a whole different world than the downtown area is.

we're thinking a plan that cost less than the lowest entry plan for the 
competition (and is still more than enough for the customer) that would also 
offer higher upload as well as plans that are similar but also offer higher 

our customer service guys biggest fear now is someone from our existing network 
will call wanting these speeds.
these speeds are only available in the downtown area where there are no 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: That One Guy /sarcasm 
  Sent: Friday, August 05, 2016 2:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] is....the price right?

  100/50 is really limiting the oversub option, unless youre strictly enforcing 
the business (actual business, as in letterhead or tax id, something 
identifiable as a business)

  in illinois, if we go above 25mb right now we move to symmetric DIA for 
businesses that are rural. If youre competing in town with cable or fios, then 
thats what youd probably be best served to pricepoint near without any other 
value adds, just my two cents as the guy who doesnt own a company.

  We went slick, every plan we sell is 3/1, we have three speed tiers based on 
your performance that open you up to the next potential speed, same price. but 
we only guarantee(ish) the 3/1. this keeps customers limited by powercode to 
the best case their installation will support, that way the radios arent doing 
the work of trying to deliver more than the link will support. We want as many 
customers on the 3rd tier as possible. once per year an account can go through 
an audit to see if they can tier up. 

  we also dont sell speed at all anymore, strictly consumption. 

  On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 1:35 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <> 

    We're starting to deploy much higher speeds in areas with line of sight 
(business areas) than we ever have before in our residential areas.  I am 
thinking the pricing we are thinking of is way too low.  I'm interested in what 
you'd charge for these plans and what part of the country you are in.   Thanks!

    30 down / 15 up
    60 down / 30 up
    100 down / 50 up

    What do you charge per phone line?

    If you didn't do say 100/50, what do you do?

    Thanks everyone!



  If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as 
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