There is no objective standard, only opinion. Pretty much everyone is
labeled a hater these days just for disagreeing with someone else. Say
something like I disagree with that...hater! The cop only shot the guy
because he fired 10 bullets and tried to run down the police...hater. Go
against something on religious grounds..triple hater. We should enforce or
laws or change them....quadruple hater. Reminds me of the grinch..

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Joshaven Mailing Lists <
> wrote:

> I don’t know if you have ever heard D. James Kennedy speak but come on…
> I’m sure he disagrees with homosexuality and speaks his mind but how can
> we call it hate to speak your mind?  This, if anything, is our right to
> free speech.  I thought this was probably legit until I saw they picked a
> gentle grandfather to call a hate speaker.  If their labels are so careless
> in this point then what of the others?
>   (Skip to about 5:50 minutes
> to hear some of his hate speaking…)
> Sincerely,
> Joshaven Potter
> Google Hangouts:
> Cell & SMS: 1-517-607-9370
> On Aug 30, 2016, at 9:30 PM, Josh Reynolds <> wrote:
> Fascinating. Also explains a lot.

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