Worst thing I ever heard a guy say about his daughter:
“She is so ugly, I will probably have to pay someone to marry her.”
(sad true story)

From: Chuck McCown 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 11:45 AM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT - Politics

Bill Clinton just happened to coincide with the tech boom and the advent of the 
commercial internet.  That is what produced the surplus, he just lucked out.  
His decisions to deregulate mortgage banking is what brought us all back down 
in 2008.  

I have told former business partners (upon learning of their infidelity) if you 
will cheat on your spouse you sure as hell will cheat me.  

In my mind the game is over.  4 years of watching something that could have 
been so much better lies ahead.  Been through it before, can endure it again.

Winston Churchill said Democracy is the WORST form of governments.... except 
for all the others.  

From: Jaime Solorza 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Animal Farm 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT - Politics

Now you sound like my Trump loving buddy....state facts.....not shit you hear 
from Hannity, OReilly, Limbaugh and bunch.. 
Bill Clinton (An unfaithful husband....I don't mince words) balanced the budget 
and we had a surplus....a Democrat..but he didn't do it BFM...(By Fucking Magic 
for you hard of hearing)...it took both sides to get those things 
going....Knock Obama all you want, you do anyways, but he inherited a shit 
storm and even with all the Republican resistance, got us out of the recession. 
  Trump used the recession to make money..(fact...like Potter in Capra's 
movie)...Trump keeps blaming Obama for ISIS!!!   really.....lets revise history 
like our Texas Board of Education does all the time.....Wrong is wrong, no 
matter who does it....Clinton, Trump, Kennedy and other presidents cheated on 
their wives...I bought out my first business partner for just that...cheating 
on his wife and children...Guess I am old school, but if a man cheats on those 
close to him, where the hell do I stand in that relationship?  Goes to 
character and morals.....yes we joke on this list allot including sexual 
ones....but I have never read anything on this list about thinking its okay to 
grope women because you are rich or a celebrity...or worse call one of you 
daughters voluptuous ...NBC suspended Billy Bush but only after extreme 
pressure from social media....Chump says he uses it and in the end the media is 
what will do him in....Listen carefully..THIS IS NO FUCKING REALITY SHOW YOU 
MORON TRUMP!!!   I know those who approve of him will stay loyal up to the 
election....Like I said before and I say it again...It reminds of Hitlers 
followers....they knew it was wrong but didn't give a shit....sorry muchachos, 
that Make America Great Again dream will not ever be back again, keeping 
kicking the sleeping giant.....too many of us are educated now and we can 
vote....as much as you want to change voting laws to keep us out, it will not 
work......lets see how it plays out on November 8th....

Jaime Solorza 
Wireless Systems Architect

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Wireless Administrator <wirel...@htn.net> 


  “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you 
can do for your country.”




  It’s hard for me to believe that ANY of the other issues matter.  I’m not 
afraid of a president that might hurt someone’s feelings on the way to fixing 
the mess we’re in. 

  Steve B.

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