As long as he thinks China has his back (whether they do or not withstanding...if in his mind he thinks they do) he'll be emboldened to exploit havoc at the limits his technology will allow.

Fortunately, much of the time they seem to be having trouble just getting a missile off the ground.

On 10/17/2016 8:56 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
As long as his missiles keep having difficulty and his yields are low,
he can’t do much.  Wiping out a portion of LA for example might be the
worst case scenario.  And then of course they will be turned into a
glowing smoking hole in the ground.  I cannot imagine them taking that
*From:* Paul Stewart
*Sent:* Monday, October 17, 2016 7:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
North Korea scares the shit out of me … out of control dictator that is
not in the right mind and has a nuclear arsenal at his disposal…. scary
shit if you ask me…
oh and has a major hate on for anything US related…. I can see a major
pissing match coming (in some ways it’s already started)
On Oct 17, 2016, at 8:39 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
Russia is doing some saber rattling for sure.  It is concerning.
Putin seems to be trying to take advantage of the lame duck period
somehow, who knows what he is up to.  N. Korea also, saying they are
willing to launch a nuclear first strike.  You’d think there would be
more coverage of the Russian threats, but all people care about is the
election reality show.
Putin is pissed that Obama called him a regional power.  Trump is
pissed that Obama made fun of him at the press dinner.  Isn’t it nice
to have world leaders who use the powers of state to pursue their
personal grudges.
Meanwhile in Julian Assange news:
*From:*Af []*On Behalf Of*CBB - Jay Fuller
*Sent:*Monday, October 17, 2016 12:43 AM
*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
I will look up the speech
How do you feel about the implied "bracing for war" Russia seems to be
The right (I do live in Alabama) seems to believe they are bracing for
war if Trump does not get elected.
I have not heard what the left thinks since all they can talk about is
the Billy Bush trump tapes or women....
In fact I don't believe the media is covering anything....Not even us
firing on Yemen (I did not read that article on the internet I assume
we bombed A terrorist camp or something)
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone
----- Reply message -----
From: "Ken Hohhof" <>
To: <>
Subject: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 12:29 AM
Also, it seems this explains the nuclear deal Kerry negotiated with
Iran, basically trying to do what wasn’t done with Iraq.  (Idiot Trump
doesn’t seem to realize Clinton isn’t still Sec. of State, but then he
lives in a fact free zone.)  After years of sanctions, you have to get
some payoff as a result of those sanctions, apparently the deal was
the best our negotiating team could get.  Not trying to argue yes or
no on that, just if you look back to the Iraq vote and Kerry’s speech,
you can understand why he took the approach he did with Iran.
He has certainly worked his butt off on the diplomacy side even at the
risk of failure. Very different approach from Clinton, I think, who
seemed to be more of a delegator.  Unfortunately his efforts on the
Israel/Palestine issue were a total failure, and Putin and Lavrov
totally played him for a fool on Syria.  Well, and Obama too, remember
he was going to do the big “reset” with Russia.  And Hillary was the
Russia hawk in the Obama administration.  Makes me totally shake my
head at Trump wanting to “get along” with Russia.  Why is no one
saying that sounds like weak Obama who tried to be Putin’s buddy and
was made to look like a fool.  And no wonder Putin wants Trump to win,
since Hillary is hawkish on Russia. What a bizzaro world we live in,
where the Republican candidate has a bromance with Putin, and it’s the
Democratic candidate who wants to be tough on Russia?
*From:*Af []*On Behalf Of*Ken Hohhof
*Sent:*Monday, October 17, 2016 12:10 AM
*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
Then listen to the whole speech.
*From:*Af []*On Behalf Of*CBB - Jay Fuller
*Sent:*Monday, October 17, 2016 12:08 AM
*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
I remember very clearly the media covering how Saddam would not allow
inspectors in and how he was very uncooperative.
In my opinion it is saddam's fault. Had he cooperated maybe we would
not have gone to war....
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone
----- Reply message -----
From: "Ken Hohhof" <>
To: <>
Subject: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 12:03 AM
I remember that very clearly.  It was a war authorization vote.  The
President told Congress he needed the authorization to strengthen his
hand when he went to the UN and allies and sought new sanctions to
force Iraq to submit to inspection and disarm, to show that the nation
was behind him, and that it was not a vote to go to war except as a
last resort.  He basically framed it as a vote of confidence in him,
that he needed that vote to show the world he was serious and the
nation spoke with one voice, it made it very difficult for Congress
not to vote yes.  Of course he didn’t follow through with his promises
and quickly went to war without exhausting all other avenues.
I clearly remember listening to Sen. John Kerry’s speech on the floor
of the senate before the vote, laying this all out.  And I remember
having a sick feeling that exactly what he said the President promised
not to do and warned him not to do, was nonetheless going to happen.
Whatever you think of John Kerry, this is a riveting speech.  I found
a video of it online.  It’s 50 minutes long, if you can’t spend that
much time, skip to around 33:00.
*From:*Af []*On Behalf Of*CBB - Jay Fuller
*Sent:*Sunday, October 16, 2016 11:07 PM
*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
I remind you....congress had to vote on that.
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone
----- Reply message -----
From: "Jaime Solorza" <>
To: "Animal Farm" <>
Subject: [AFMUG] OT does it really matter?
Date: Sun, Oct 16, 2016 10:50 PM

Well Bush decision to invade Iraq did affect my family.. My son who
proudly served in Iraq came back injured physically and mentally.  He
is still under medical care ...   We should have gone after Taliban in
Afghanistan and wiped them out along with poppie fields.   Hussein was
a dictator I know but our reason to invade was based on weapons of
mass destruction which didn't exist.   We messed up the status quo,
left and gave ISIS an opening... If you study history of region it has
shown no outside nation has ever been able to conquer area for very
long..  These folks have been at war since forever and we got caught
up in it.  When you travel on plane you are affected... Large public
events are different now because threat of terrorism exists.   So we
are all affected some way.    The times, they are a changin

On Oct 16, 2016 9:21 PM, "Bruce Robertson" <> wrote:

Exactly right.  Who is president has some effect, but not game
changing. Most people in the country are middle of the road, and the
progress of the country reflects that.  The pendulum swings back and
forth, but always reverts to the mean.

On 10/16/16 8:17 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:
Congress makes and changes law.  Supreme Court makes a few important
decisions.  Regulators are who really run the country.
Does it really matter who the president is?
What did Obama do? Encouraged the ACA.  Dropped the ball in Syria.
But  how did he affect me, my degree of wealth, my amount of spare time?
Ditto Bush.  They affect foreign policy.  They have the ability to
really mess up other people’s lives in other countries, but do they
really have much effect on me?
Granted, altering  the make up of the Supreme Court changes things
like can I choose to marry a dude or do I have to sell wedding cakes
to gays.  But that really does not touch me.  My granddaughter
having to cope with dudes in the bathroom at school hits a bit
closer to home, but I trust congress will eventually settle on
something a bit more common sense.
I guess I am trying to convince myself that a president really
doesn’t do much here at home. Congress does.  The court does.
Bureaucracies do.
Now, if the president could get a whole truckload of cheese
delivered to the Whitehouse and give it out to anyone that drops in
for a visit, then we are talking about a real impact...

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