Full Definition of mutt
:  a stupid or insignificant person :  fool
:  a mongrel dog :  cur

Whether or not that applies is up to the individual.

That is mild compared to the past:

John Adams supporters speaking of his former VP Thomas Jefferson: "hideous 
hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, 
nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

Jefferson supporters speaking of Adams: "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the 
son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.”

Thomas Jefferson speaking of George Washington: "a Samson who had allowed 
himself to be shorn by the harlot, England.”

Journalist James Thomson Callender, offering a toast at a public dinner "to the 
speedy death of President Washington.”

Journalists sneeringly called President James Madison "Little Jemmy" and openly 
speculated that he persuaded Congress to do his bidding by granting access to 
his buxom wife, Dolley.

Aaron Burr, Jefferson’s vice president, said President James Monroe was so 
dimwitted, in his days as a lawyer he had never won a case that paid more than 

President Franklin Pierce attacked Lincoln as a war monger and would-be 
dictator, calling one of his early decisions "an idle, foolish, ill-advised, if 
not criminal thing."

New Jersey Democrats fastened on Abe  the nickname "the brainless bob-o-link of 
the prairies.”

President Kennedy speaking of Nixon: "a filthy lying son of a bitch and a very 
dangerous man.”

President Johnson speaking of President Ford: "Jerry spent too much time 
playing football without a helmet.”

What I find particularly entertaining is how many people think any president 
actually gives a crap. They will do what they want, when they want all the 
while giving us the finger and masturbating their ego. Resident not President 
should be their title.  It is congress who actually makes law. (well they used 
to be before the supreme court and executive actions) Take a look at which 
corporations and which people donate the most money to the congress critters 
and you know who is running the country. Unfortunately for us, the people who 
can change the laws to prevent the above are the very ones receiving the 

On Oct 19, 2016, at 10:12 PM, Josh Reynolds <> wrote:

> The first time I ignored it.
> The second time I did a double take and though "did he really just call the 
> President of the United States a MUTT?"!?
> As an American citizen, I'm ashamed of that and I didn't even say it. As a 
> combat veteran, that was my Commander-In-Chief - saying that in uniform, 
> regardless of the man or woman in office would get you court martialed and 
> kicked out of the military with a dishonorable discharge... Forever ruining 
> you chances at decent employment, amongst many other things.
> Like him or not, shame on you. That's as unAmerican a phrase as I can think 
> of, and lacks basic human decency.
> On Oct 19, 2016 10:32 PM, "That One Guy /sarcasm" <> 
> wrote:
> Rats run, the "establishment" is full of rats, so are swamps. Military 
> personnel captured bin laden, the mutt in the whitehouse was playing spades, 
> he didnt capture anybody, he didnt collect intelligence, he didnt build any 
> of the infrastructure used to gather intel, he didnt build the operative 
> system that was in play that led to the ability of our military personel to 
> capture him. good job to him though for taking time out of his card game to 
> give the go ahead.
> Have you not listened to a word he said, crime and drugs are the biggest 
> issues he talks about coming over the border. Hes been very clear, lock down 
> the border, get those here illegally out (i dont agree with this directly, 
> and i dont suspect he will "break up families") once its secure, refocus 
> resources on the completely fucked system that caused a 7 year process, 
> streamline it so these people who didnt want to do the work to come in right 
> the first time can get back in line, and maybe they wont have to wait as long.
> you think mexicans are the old bags priority? shit. they dont have any money, 
> theyll be put out anyway at the end of the day by her, the money is in the 
> ones that come from the sand 
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 10:20 PM, Jaime Solorza <> 
> wrote:
> You called our president a mutt?  Real patriot... Who the fuck got Bin Laden? 
>   I have the balls to admit Hillary is not perfect... But Trump is a fucking 
> idiot... When have you seen so many Republicans distance themselves from 
> their nominee, even vote for other candidate?   He doesn't know shit about 
> the border and our problems... Drugs are the main problem not poor people who 
> take the shit jobs you guys don't want to do..  No matter the pay... Only 
> farmers and ranchers born into it work as hard in heat and tough 
> conditions... And fact is many of these immigrants pay come to 
> the border and see for yourselves the reality.   Drugs are getting in 
> sometimes with help of border patrol for $$$$$...because of demand.   No 
> demand, no supply... What no one, not even Obama or others has done is go 
> into these countries and eradicate the fields... We tried a bit in Columbia 
> but it should be an all out war... Our scientists know how to eliminate 
> cocaine and heroin(poppy)  but we have to be politically correct.  More?
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:56 PM, "That One Guy /sarcasm" <> 
> wrote:
> I seem to recall stuxnet was sourced to russia by those very same 
> sources..... you know, until it turned out it was us and isreal
> I have no question russias involved, but spearheaded by putin directly? come 
> on, did those 17 hack putins emails where he issued the orders?
> what happenned to china? before this election, all nefarious cybercrime was 
> china with the exception of the identity/financial theft originating from 
> russia.
> trump said hed make the us quit being chinas puppet and putin complimented 
> trump, suddenly all things cyber are solely russian and only in favor of trump
> If i were putin, i would prefer a strong leader, strong leaders that are not 
> allies but not enemies create global power. weak leaders like our current 
> mutt cause irritations and weak leaders like hillary cause nuclear conflicts 
> with wek and idle threats. no fly zone, but wont commit to shooting down 
> violators.. no strength
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Jaime Solorza <> 
> wrote:
> So 17 sources on Russian hacking are wrong and he is correct?    Didn't we 
> arrest a Russian hacker in Europe today ?   Of course in HIS mind he is 
> smarter than our military and intelligence folks.  
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:45 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:
> And ICE Did Not endorse him... Get the facts
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:42 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:
> I will keep you in suspense.    Wow
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:41 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:
> He fucked himself with vote question...
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:29 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> wrote:
> Goes to character...cheat on wife cheat on all
> On Oct 19, 2016 8:13 PM, "Lewis Bergman" <> wrote:
> I don't know. I don't about laughing. I think they are likely shocked and 
> fearful.
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016, 9:07 PM Josh Reynolds <> wrote:
> We have two lying, cheating, disrespectful sociopaths on stage right now. 
> Neither one can answer a straight question with a straight answer.
> They BOTH likely belong in jail, not running for the highest office in the 
> United States.
> This is terrible. Disgraceful. We are the laughing stock of the world.
> -- 
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as 
> part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.
> -- 
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as 
> part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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