Look at your MT log. Most likely a NAT issue through the Onstar crap. You'll probably see key exchange timeout or something like that. I forget what exactly since the last time I debugged it. L2TP/IPSec won't work through my Canopy SM NAT or R200 either, I haven't bothered to figure out which it is yet.

On 11/1/2016 7:36 PM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:

I can�t be the only one that has tried to do this on the list. My newest Chevy truck came with onstar wifi free for three months. On a daily basis I tether up to my Verizon phone and VPN into our microtik routers with my laptop. However when I connect up to the onstar and try to VPN I get the attached screen cap. Pretty much error code 800 VPN tunnel failed. I have played around with the encryption types and so on our of desperation I have talked to two different �techs� at onstar and I feel I may have lost all hope in hunmanity at the very least I lost an hour of my life. I did learn that Onstar wifi is provided by ATT cellular. So I am reaching out to the list to see if there is something strange / blocked on ATT that wont allow VPN into the microtik? According to onstar �they don�t block anything�.

Anyone have any thoughts? It would be nice to be able to make this work so I can buy some data to use when outside of Verizon coverage but still covered by ATT / Onstar.

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