We use 2 control slots on FSK and 8 slots on 450.

As others have said, control slots on the 450 are a negligible amount of
data so why not be generous and ensure that there is always enough for
uplink scheduling.


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 6:14 PM Andreas Wiatowski <andr...@silowireless.com>

> We have always set our control slots to 3 on all our canopy platform.
> I just read in a Cambium notes file that control slots should be set to
> 4.
>  I have a competitor that is running 6.
> What is the best setting on a 20 Mhz channel on the 450? 20M with 75%
> downlink. What is the tradeoff with the change of the control slot in
> setting?
> Cheers,
> Andreas Wiatowski, CEO
> Silo Wireless Inc.
> 519-449-5656 x-600

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