Upgraded firmware, this was certainly hurting our system.  Speed complaints 
Upon further investiation we discovered flow control was turned on 
automatically on a netonix upgrade.
Researched our backhauls, ran speed tests between mikrotiks, etc, etc, things 
were certainly slower.
Enabled flow control on the mimosa backhauls we have ; no effect.

Rolled it all back over the weekend (but forgot where i'd read in the forum 
netonix enabled flow control at some point)
found it tonight and immediately speeds are up by 33%  (we were doing 90-100 
meg, now doing 120-120, at peak
times should be doing 200+)

just sharing...

ALSO - noticed on the mimoas although we had flow control enabled, the switch 
apparently never saw it.  It has an icon
for flow control and the EPMP radios we have showed it was enabled but although 
it was enabled on the mimoas the
netonix never showed the flow control icon by the mimoas radios....

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