You want five nines at full modulation in rain zone K with 2' dishes, 2
miles, or you want five nines ICMP ping reliability across the link and are
OK with it dropping below 150Mbps on rare heavy rain events?  To different

I would look at the SAF Integra (or slip-fit integra) single pol radio, or
the SIAE AlfoPlus 18 GHz single pol configuration.

You cannot directly compare a +18 Tx power FDD licensed band part 101 link
to an AF24...  Apples and oranges.

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Eric Muehleisen <> wrote:

> 2 mile 18ghz link. Only needing about 150mb/s speeds. 2ft. dish maximum.
> Five9's. Rainzone K.
> Need a quick and dirty, ballpark idea of costs including licensing and
> spare radio/dish.
> Need to price it against an AirFiber24 install.

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