Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Mike Hammett" <wispamemb...@ics-il.net> 
To: memb...@wispa.org 
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 7:14:20 PM 
Subject: Fwd: [WISP] Repost: Cajun WISP Night before Christmas 

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com 

-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject:        [WISP] Repost: Cajun WISP Night before Christmas 
Date:   Fri, 24 Dec 2004 23:48:21 -0600 
From:   Allen Marsalis <a...@shreve.net> 
Reply-To:       w...@part-15.org 
To:     w...@part-15.org 

Cajun ISP Night before Christmas
(Stolen and hacked version)

'Twas de night before Christmas
An' all t'ru de NOC,
Dey don't a bit pass
Except fro' the BOC.

De cable been nezzle
All snug on de flo',
While hackers been wrestle
for cracks in de do'.

Dare nothin' indy firewall
to keep out St. Nick,
Cause he's out to own ya'll
An' he knows all de trick!

Den out on de rooftop
Dey got such a clatter,
Make soun' like old Boudreau
Done fall off de ladder.

I run like a possum
To got to de do',
Trip over some co-axe
An' fall on de flo'!

As I look out de do'
In de light o' de moon,
I t'ink "Man, you crazy
I t'aught it was noon!"

An' dere above de treetop
When I stretch out ma' head,
Dere's eight big alligator
A pullin' a Rohn sled!

An' a short fat Cajun
Wit a long tripod stick,
I know r'at way
Got to be ole St. Nick.

Mo' fas'er an' fas'er
De gater dey came
He whistle an' holler
An' call dem by name:

"Ha, Ping!
Ha, Linus!
Ha, Tracerut an' Gun-new
Gee, Snoop
Gee, Tee Cee Pee Dump
an'Ace-cee-el too!"

To the top o' de roof
I yells to Boudreau,
"Haul ass down the ladder,
St. Nick is our foe!

Like Taint Suzie's cat
Down the ladder he fly
Boudreau didn't stop
Come a run hisse'f by.

But up on the rooftop
Dem ole 'gater dey climb
Wit a rack full of gear
An' St. Nicklus behin'.

Up go his tripod and mast
Po'nted North it would seem,
Dat deres a long shot -
Must be a tight beam!

Den on top o' de roof
The mast, hard done it sway,
Some Ballast was needed
in de worst kinda way.

De gaters make dem idea
An' it soun' like de hail,
W'en all dem 'gater
Done sot down dey big tail.

Den down in de NOC
I sot down at my PC,
St. Nick got association
Wit' radio t'ree!

"Sacre!" I axclaim
"Ma network got a hole!
I t'ink to ma'se'f it cannot be, no
Ole Boudreau's a Mole?

St. Nick spoofin' IP,
An' hide like a cat
While 'gaters chew co-axe
leavin' ma users dead flat.

He was usin' linux
Dat was fo' sure,
I pinged his network int'face,
while he was takin' de tour.

I hacked ma way in
t'ru a hole in his bot,
Tee el cee sot wide open
So I take a few shot.

His eyes how dey shined
his dimples how scarry!
While I fo'matted his drive
He could execute no q'arry.

Ha! His cheek was like rose
His nose like cherry
On secon' t'ought maybe
He commit harry carry!

Den I peek t'ru de window
An' what do I see,
St. Nick a sittin' dere
Staring down r'at at me!

But a wink in his eye
An'a shook 'o his head
Make my confi-dence dat
I don' got to be scared.

He don' do no talkin'
But smiled at my work.
Gave me a wink,
An' den turn wit' a jerk.

Den he hop on his sled,
Wit de gear off o' de roof.
He ain't no fool, him!
For to make no more big goof.

He jump in his sled,
And crack his big whip.
De 'gater fly off,
An' don' make one dip.

An' I hear him shout loud
While runnin' tail he go,

"Merry Christmas to All,
'Til I hack you some mo!"

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