The receiver info section at the bottom is part of the serial data. I'm not sure why it would see that and nothing else. But that is Motorola binary format. And I remember Forrest saying something about the 450i not liking that. It'd be nice to have a jumper or something on the SyncBox to switch it to NMEA mode. If that's even the issue.

On 1/3/2017 1:57 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
Is it possible the sync pulse is working, but the serial data is not?

On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 11:46 AM, George Skorup <> wrote:

I just got some of the SyncBox Junior Aux port version in and I connected it up to a 900 450i AP running 15.0.2. Turned on UGPS power, box powers up. Pretty cool. But still no GPS data. Turn off GPS message checksum and it still doesn't work, the receiver info section just gets all corrupt.

This is with GPS checksum enabled. C'mon Cambium!

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