If you're gonna go through all that, use ePMP 2k Lite's for the Tx & Rx filtering. I assume you're going to be doing 2 or 3 foot dishes at 23 miles anyway.

TDD PTP = 40 miles

ePTP 10/20MHz = 32 miles

ePTP 40MHz = 15 miles

I assume you want TDD PTP for sync. ePTP cannot be sync'd.

On 3/30/2017 12:36 PM, Jason Wilson wrote:
The subject says it all. What is the Maximum link length that a ePMP1000 GPS Lite 5ghz will allow? More than likely replacing a Mimosa b5c link that is 23.1 miles. Mountaintop to Mountaintop. It looks like I have had a third b5c die. I'll know more once we get on site.

Jason Wilson
Remotely Located
Providing High Speed Internet to out of the way places.
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